April 5, 2012

I'm back.

I deleted the blogger app a while ago because I really didn't feel I was posting anything of merit. Then I remembered, I'm writing for me! So welcome back, Maggie! Where to even begin?

Well, I'll just skip straight to the kitchen update. I got the itch to update the kitchen in March 2012. We moved in in January 2011 & replaced the counters, sink, faucet & drawer pulls in April of that year. I'd been tossing around the idea of a backsplash and paint ever since, but never found a tile sheet to get the ball rolling.

Until March. I was browsing online on a Saturday night, bought the tile on Sunday, installed it (myself!) the next Saturday. Decided on a paint color over the next two weekends, and painted the last weekend in March.

The new dining table is on order; it'll be here in May. There are a few more finishing touches the room still needs, but I'm in love with the progress over the last year!

1 comment:

Piril Maria said...

Looks pretty and bright.
Followed the blog, hope you don’t mind. And who knows, maybe you’ll visit me someday too.
