January 30, 2013


I haven't updated in a bit because I've been having a rough few days. I don't like airing my dirty laundry, so I've been keeping to myself. I will say, however, that I. Am. Stressed.

I'm starting to return to my normal self physically (stomach bug!), and I hope once I do, I'll feel able to handle everything else I have on my plate. I need to. The only way out is through.


January 25, 2013

Keepin' it real.

I don't feel like a changed woman yet. I'll be honest here, I'm a little disappointed. I wanted to FEEL the change beginning to roll in, even if I couldn't see it yet.

I'm well aware I'm being unreasonable! We live in an instant gratification world! That's why credit cards exist!

I can feel the changes beginning from numbers two and three, which I haven't discussed yet, but number one is a bust so far. I'm going to keep on keepin' on, though. Hopefully it's too soon to tell.

January 22, 2013

Number One: WTH?

I don't like who I become on Facebook. We've covered this. So why, when I was stopped in traffic for two hours and 15 minutes on my way to work this morning, did I live blog the event? I felt dirty as the comments began to roll in.

I should have spent the time reflecting, maybe. Thinking how lucky I was that wasn't me. Appreciating my warm car when it was 8° outside. Hoping those in the many (MANY!) accidents were and are OK.

Instead, I Facebook'd. And then, even worse, I grew annoyed when people commented.

So I've made a few adjustments:

1. I only have one "Close Friend" now: my husband. In the past, I had many. If this is going to work, those updates need to stop. (Because I certainly can't ignore them!)

2. I've filtered who can see what I post by default. Since I don't plan to completely disappear from Facebook, I've simply cut down on the chance of getting a frustrating comment.

3. I've completely unsubscribed from Those People. You know them. The people you enjoy in real life but on Facebook they repost things in 30 seconds because OMG THEY LUV THEIR DAUGHTER! You can't unfriend them.


January 21, 2013

Number One.

1. Check Facebook Less.

I should clarify that this is not a FOMO issue; this is an issue I have with Facebook. I actually find that I'm affected by reading my feed. I become unhappy, and I tend to post articles I know will upset political extremists.

I buy into trolling and comparing. I've had to block people from showing up in my feed - family members even! - because I was taking their status updates too personally. I feel badly about myself, I think bad thoughts about them. It's not good for my mental health or my relationship with these "friends" offline.

This is not their fault, it's mine. Number One on my list, it became (also, I'm Yoda).

Positivity Proposal: Suggesting a successful outcome

Inspired by The Happiness Project, Positivity Proposal is my take on improving my quality of life.

I have three items I plan to work on for 30 days. After those 30 days are up, I'll evaluate and add three more. They may or may not be related to the last three.

I plan to baby step my way to wellness. And that's OK.